New product may enhance your efforts in using positive reinforcement training with your cat

I'm always on the lookout for interesting ideas to help create a better life for companion animals. 

While I was in a local pet store picking up a couple of things this week, I stumbled on one new product—Inaba Ciao Churu treat paste—and I think it would be a terrific tool to accentuate your efforts in training your cat using positive reinforcement. 

Also, I touch on another possible use for this product, which is available locally at stores like Huron Pet Supply and Dexter Mill (where, as I understand, it got the stamp of approval from the mill cat, Leo!) as well as why you might want to seek out free samples found in better pet stores.

Lorrie Shaw is a freelance writer and owner of Professional Pet Sitting. She has been a featured guest on the Pawprint Animal Rescue Podcast, talking about her career working with companion animals and writing about her experiences. Shoot her an email, contact her at 734-904-7279 or follow her adventures on Twitter.

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